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Muscle and bone strengthening activities for children and young people

Muscle and bone strengthening activities for children and young people back to News

Poor musculoskeletal (MSK) health is one of the greatest health burdens nationally. It often has its origins in childhood and adolescent physical development (for example 90% of bone density is achieved by the age of 18-20 years). The UK Chief Medical Officers’ physical activity guidelines emphasise the need for regular muscle and bone strengthening activities for children and young people but lacks detail on what activities most effectively promote bone and muscular health outcomes in children and young people.

This review adds depth to the guidelines using the most recent evidence. It presents a summary of the specific physical activities and age ranges to promote muscular health and bone health outcomes in children and young people.

This review was prepared by Loughborough University academic Dr Anna Chalkley with Dr Katherine Brooke-Wavell on the expert review group.

To read more please click here.

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Posted on 21st January 2021