01642 342287

School Games

Your School Games


Keeping competitive sport at the heart of schools and providing more young people with the opportunity to compete and achieve their personal best.


School Games will continue to make a clear and meaningful difference to the lives of even more children and young people.

The Tees Valley School Games is a unique opportunity to inspire young people to take part in all forms of physical activity and school sport. It is an exciting, fully inclusive opportunity for school children in the Tees Valley drawing on the values and inspiration of the Olympics and Paralympic Games and celebrating the participation and achievements of everyone taking part.

Our Aims

The School Games programme will evolve from September 2021, concentrating on the least active and those who need it most, such as those most affected by Covid-19. The emphasis will be placed around school engagement and most notably:

SGO Priorities



Your School Games Organiser Contacts


Andy Tennyson – andy.tennyson@clevelandssp.co.uk

Redcar & Eston

Louise Tarran – louise.tarran@ressp.co.uk

Claire Tennyson – claire.tennyson@ressp.co.uk


Marie Ewing – m.ewing@acklam.outwood.com


Kate Robinson – k.robinson@northerneducationtrust.org


Peter Sheahan (Northfield) – psheahan@northfieldssc.org

Rose Mullis (Central) – rmullis@northfieldssc.org


Alison Raw – alison.raw@darlington.gov.uk


Would you like to know more about the School Games?

Visit the Your Schools Website for more info.


The School Games provide a platform for children to take part in:

Intra-school competition (Level 1) ran by schools with support from SSPs and SGOs

An intra-school competition is a sporting activity taking place between pupils who attend the same school. For example, this can be in the form of an inter-class or house activity. These competitions should culminate in an annual School Games Day, or Sports Day, to celebrate a school’s sporting success.

Inter-school competition (Level 2) Local district competition ran by SGOs

A local inter-school competition is a sporting activity taking place between schools from the same area either as a one-off fixture or as part of a league. These competitions may act as qualifiers for county finals or can be run as developmental competitions or festival events to meet the needs of a local area.

County Finals (Level 3) County competition ran by SGOs and SSPs

These competitions and festivals are to be delivered by the SGO network from 2021 onwards as the whole of the Tees Valley network work together to deliver the new School Games priorities.


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