01642 342287

Satellite Clubs – funding available

Satellite Clubs – funding available back to News

Tees Valley Sport are seeking applications from local organisations who are working (or would like to work) with inactive young people aged 14-19 to reduce inactivity levels and to help tackle local issues. Our Satellite Clubs programme (funded by Sport England) has up to £3,000 funding available for organisations who can demonstrate that they can engage inactive young people using sport and physical activity and to help tackle recognised local issues such as drug and alcohol abuse, crime and anti-social behaviour, social isolation of particular groups, mental health issues and many others.

Applications are encouraged from local organisations, groups and sports clubs who have insight into local young people and local area issues. The target groups for activity are:

–       Women and girls

–       Disabled young people

–       Young people from areas of economic disadvantage

Expressions of interest will be used as a starting point for discussions with groups who meet the criteria. These groups will then be given feedback and supported to submit a formal application. The deadline for expressions of interest to be returned is 5pm, Monday 20th May.

If you would like to discuss ideas or for more information, please contact Paul Kreczak on 01642 342287 or p.kreczak@tees.ac.uk 

Download the pack and expression of interest form

Spread the love

Posted on 26th April 2019