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Safe Events

These top 10 tips describe the essential elements that you should have in place regardless of the size and nature of any sports event you are planning.  How you implement these tips will differ according to your event, but it is vital that you address them in all cases.

  1. Safeguarding plan – Outline of the safeguarding standards for your event and your plan for implementing them
  2. Recruitment guidelines – Safe recruitment process for all staff and volunteers involved in your event
  3. Codes of conduct – Clear guidelines about the expected behaviour of adults, children and young people
  4. Registration and consent – Process for registering participants and ensuring appropriate information and consents are provided
  5. Event manager/coordinator – Person with overall responsibility for your event
  6. Event safeguarding lead – Person with lead responsibility for safeguarding for your event
  7. Reporting procedures – Clear process for responding to and reporting concerns arising at your event
  8. Advice and support – Access to safeguarding information, advice and guidance
  9. Additional vulnerabilities – A plan that recognises and addresses the needs of all participants, including those who have additional vulnerabilities
  10. Travel and overnight stays – A plan and guidance for travel and/or overnight stays (if required)

Useful Documents

This short film gives you an overview of the tool and the stages your organisations should go through when organising an event, from the planning right through to the event itself. It offers a range of ideas and resources to help you plan your event and ensure children and young people are safeguarded.